10 year reunion - 2013

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Save the DATE!!

Be sure to mark your calenders.  The big 10 year reunnion will be on

AUGUST 3RD, 2013

More to be announced soon.  Just know that if we don't have your email address...you probably won't get an invitation. Not because we don't like you....just because we can't find you!  It has been 10 years!!

We still need volunteers to help with things like: decorations, set up, clean up, raffle donations (showcase your business and give away something for people to win!!), etc.

If you know anyone who would like to sponsor our event please contact me!

As always you can email Jordanbeets@hotmail.com with your contact info or with any questions or donations you may have.

See you soon!!

-Heidi (Mecham) Phillips

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Fifth Conference Call

Hello all!

Okay, so we've all had some much needed rest from thinking about this reunion.  My dreams are starting to haunt me again, which means it's time to get back on track!

Time for a conference call?

SKYPE: heidi.mecham

We still need tons of help and would love ANYONE who has some thoughts on the matter to chime on in.  With our current budget we're looking at another get together in the park... we can do better!  Let me know if you'll be able to make it so I know to make sure you're in on the call.

See you all soon!


Monday, December 5, 2011

Fourth Conference Call

Hello all!

In the spirit of enjoying this hectic winter, calls have been cancelled until Januarry.  So kick back.  Enjoy some time with families, friends and neighbors. Don't forget to do some research and get our class list updated if you have some spare minutes :).

Fourth call will be.....

Date:  SUNDAY, JANUARY 15TH 2012
Skype: heidi.mecham 

Please let me know if you have NOT been on a call and would like to be invited. Just log in 5 minutes early and ask me to add you in and I will :).  Easy as that.


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Third Conference Call Info

Anyone who is interested in helping plan the 10 year reunion is invited to our monthly conference calls. Below is the information. 

Skype: heidi.mecham

Add me as a skype friend and let me know you are interested in being in the call so you're not left out.


Second Confrence Call Notes!

Thanks again to everyone who was able to make it to the call tonight!  Bennett, you are a great asset to our team!  Thank you for offering to update our online capabilities and get our word spread a bit better.

Here is what we decided tonight:

Goals for next phone call:
  1. Each member contact and get a response from 20 people on your list.
  2. Each member find 5 people to help on sub committees

Goals moving forward:

Sub-groups have been formed.   

Financial Group
  • Headed by Heidi Phillips
  • Must review and approve (by committee vote) all spending of funds for the reunion
  • Create a budget for each group
  • Assist in fundraising
  • Collect and track money spent
Marketing / Contacting Group
  • Headed by Bryan Bennett
  • Find ALL people and ensure they are aware of the reunion and activities
  • Send out mailers, reminders, and invitations to the event
Reunion Entertainment Group
  • Headed by Tanya Sadler Korth
  • Create a schedule for events to occur the day of the reunion
  • Ensure all entertainers are booked and ready
Locations / Catering Group
  • (Need a head?)
  • Get quotes on locations and places for the committee to decide on where to go
  • Work with Entertainment Group to decide on what type of caters, photographers, etc are needed for the event and get quotes for a decision to be made
Fundraising Group
  • (Need a head!)
  • Find people interested in donating services and or funds to make this reunion happen
  • Works closely with Finance Group

All in all a good call!  Thanks everyone for you time and interest in keeping this alive.  Each group is in need of many more helping hands.  Don't be afraid to contact us if you feel you have capabilities or contacts that can help in any of these responsibilities. The more hands, the easier the work.

Thanks again!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

First meeting notes...

Thanks to everyone who attended our first committee meeting conference call.  We kept it quick and set ourselves a task list. Here is what we decided to work on this month. 

  1. Break up the alumni list and start searching for all of our classmates.
    • Be sure to direct people to this link so they can send in their contact info: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGh0a0pkWTIwMVc3TTNDa2wwTnVwY2c6MQ
    • Take a poll from our classmates on what they would like their reunion to be like:
    • What time of year? Spring, Summer, Fall?  What is the best month?
    • Would you be willing to help plan the reunion?
    • Do you have any products or services you would like to contribute for fundraising or for services at the reunion?
    • What is the likelihood you would come, and would you bring a plus one?
  2. Find 5 more people to join our committee!
We will be reporting our efforts and setting our next goals a month from now to keep rolling.  Here is the plan for the next meeting:

Date: OCTOBER 16TH 2011 
Skype ID: Heidi.Mecham

Add me as a skype friend and I will invite you into our call!  As usual, if you want to get involved in any way, email me at Jordanbeets@hotmail.com

I know we are starting early... but if it takes a year to plan, and a year to spread the word... we're right on time :)